Tips n Tricks

How to search my blog

Hey, everyone! In this page I am gonna show you how to search in blogspot. Searching in my blog, any blog, powered by google is not like searching directly in google site, because the result will be different due to the keywords you've just searched. The keywords to be used to get a good result in blogspot is to search by the title of the post. You cannot just search by words in the description, except the words you search are similar to the title of some posts. Anyway, here are some tips and keywords to search in my blog:
  • If you are my friend at PUC studying diploma: The keyword is "PUC (diploma)"
  • If you are my friend at PUC studying writiong skill: The keyword is "PUC (Writing Skill)
  • If you are my friend at SETEC: The keyword is "SETEC"
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